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Blog Articles

Why Are IUDs so Popular?

Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are growing in popularity as an option for long-term birth control. Learn more about IUDs and how they work to help you decide whether one of these devices fits with your lifestyle and needs.
Aug 31st, 2020

Bleeding During Pregnancy: What's Normal and What's Not?

Having vaginal bleeding when you’re pregnant can be scary, but it’s not always cause for concern. Still, you should always alert your doctor if you have any bleeding during your pregnancy in case there’s a serious problem.
Jul 30th, 2020

Is There Any Treatment for My PCOS Symptoms?

POCS is a common condition many women trying to become pregnant experience. With a proper, specialized plan in place with the team at The Women’s Specialists of Fayette, you can find solutions.
Jun 15th, 2020
Early diagnosis and treatment can save you from pain and life-changing complications later on in life.

Top Reasons Why You Should Consider STD Testing

Have you ever been tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? If not, it’s important to consider getting tested. Early diagnosis and treatment can save you from pain and life-changing complications later on in life.
Sep 1st, 2019

What Every Woman Should Know About HPV

HPV is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that can show up as vaginal warts in women and can also lead to cervical cancer. Many people don’t have symptoms, which is why it spreads easily. Here’s what every woman should know about HPV.
Aug 2nd, 2019

What to Expect in Recovery From a C-Section

Whether you have a cesarean section (C-section) planned, or you just want to be prepared for any eventuality, knowing what to expect during recovery can help you be ready, come what may.
Jun 18th, 2019

What is a high-risk pregnancy doctor?

The physicians at The Women’s Specialists of Fayette have an interest in managing pregnancies of all risk ranges. The 5 physicians have all trained at different training programs throughout the country.
Apr 4th, 2019

HPV Vaccines: Why We Think They Should “Go Viral”

In spite of the successful use of Pap smears to catch and treat pre-invasive cervical cancer, we still have women dying of cervical cancer every year. We now have the ability to prevent cervical cancer with a simple vaccine.
Apr 3rd, 2019