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3 Tips for Choosing a Birth Control That Fits With Your Lifestyle

With so many different options to choose from, picking the right birth control method can be confusing and overwhelming. There are a number of factors to consider, from effectiveness to how much time and effort you have to devote to using your birth control, and how that affects your lifestyle. It’s an important decision, and our providers at the Women’s Specialists of Fayette are prepared to answer all of your questions and help you find the best birth control method for your current needs.

Choose the right birth control for you

The first and most important factor in choosing birth control is obviously how effective it is and how well it will work. But in addition to preventing unintended pregnancy, there are other factors to consider such as: 

Knowing your options is the first step in choosing a birth control method. The three main forms of hormonal birth control are:

You also want to know what the potential side effects are for the birth control method that you’re considering. 

How easy is it to use?

Every birth control method comes with its own set of instructions that you have to follow in order for it to work effectively. If you choose birth control pills, for example, you have to remember to take the pill every day, at the same time of day if possible. If you’re really busy, have an unpredictable schedule, or don’t think you can remember to take a pill every day, you may want to choose another method that requires less effort on your part. 

For convenience, you may want to choose an IUD, which is available in both hormonal and non-hormonal types. We can implant an IUD (intrauterine) device in your uterus. IUDs can prevent pregnancy for up to five to 10 years, so you don’t have to worry about remembering to take a pill every day or filling prescriptions every month as long as the device is in place. 

Some birth control methods like the pill and an IUD don’t offer protection from STDs, so you may still need to use condoms to practice safe sex, depending on your circumstances.

Is it reversible?

If you want to get pregnant in the future, you need to make sure that the method you choose is reversible, as well as how long it takes for your fertility to return to normal after you stop using it. With hormone-based birth control, it can take a few weeks or months after you stop using it for your hormone levels to return to normal so you can get pregnant.

You don’t have to rely on guesswork or chance to find the birth control option that works best for you. Contact us at the Women’s Specialists of Fayette by calling our office to schedule an appointment with one of our gynecologists, or you can book online.

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